I woke up to this! and I'm HAPPY😍😍😘
Thank you for the review abang sayang ❤️❤️❤️
I linked it to my Abah as he's my WALI so why not 😉

came at the moment I least expected it.
That moment when I said "I'M SINGLE" and whoever shows up and good then he is the one;
I had no idea what kind of person that would be.
What I didn't know was that He's actually been spying and stalking me all along and gave out those HINTS in every possible way lol

Life is a MYSTERY.
Then I thought..I wasn't really alert to my surroundings. What was happening to me was bigger than I thought. If I had noticed him for the past few years then things would get easier, we might already had kids by now lol
But you know there is always HIKMAH

There are reasons why things happened in a certain way.
We are more matured by every experience we had.

"That's why I talk less and I just build it.."

Next up: Build our own family 👪💖
And I will make sure that you will always get enough rest (I'm seriously gonna nag about this the whole time 😜😇 because I CARE 💖)
Whatever you're doing or you will be doing, I'm a part of it.
Like we can divide the work 50-50 baby 😂😂
Hey I'm a Great Helper ok abang sayang 😇😉😘



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