after so long..I'm back! :D

Pecal mlysia mari...

waaa damn excited after so long i quit this blogger thingy. ahah. somehow it's just that this topic suddenly pop out in my mind. well..

sy sgt gembira! dpt pecal dr malaysia! hahah.hmm u guys must be wondering what 'pecal' is. Ia adalah sejenis makanan tradisional org2 jawa. huhu.dimakan bersame mihun, timun, taugeh, kangkung n kcg pnjg celur dlu ye tuan2 n puan2. (agak skema, ignore it plz?) & sy baru je belajar mkn tuu. mmg sedaaapp. *big grin*

bersih lg berseri- meja study. aim: paper beg.

pecal, bluetooth device, 8G pendrive, daun limau purut, serai.

p/s: tq asyraf tlg bwkkn. asyraf ni agak jiran la kt msia, tggal same kt puchong, our parents know each other very well. lately dia nampak happy coz rasenye tgh bahagia dgn aweknye d malaysia mayb? ahah :))

oh btw, in conjunction with my 1st bro's anniversary which is tomorrow, october 20, turning 7th dis year. I would like to wish may abg aden and kak yana happy ever after (like cinderella plak). with their increasing amount of children( I hope so). n grandchildren etc etc.. moga mereka murah rezeki n diberkati
Allah selalu. AMIINNN.
abg akak..LOVE U both! *hugs* :)

auntie miss u both! Ryann Darnis & Amir Amsyar.

Amir Amsyar- their 1st child. My 1st nephew, he once said he loves me more than anyone else. aww~ ;)


  1. haha... si anak jawe sedang kepingan arek mangan pecel nang kono... huhu...
    Calling2 la bapak eay... mnx pos2kan ke.. hehehe

  2. hana syg..hehehe..weh u suke pecal ke! syg xdtg rmh i masa raya ritu,,my mom bt pecal..n i kat msia asik tgok mak i buat pecal jeee several days per week..sbb my dad suka makan..he

  3. nasren~ oiit spupu. ee saje je. ni mak ayah aku dh hnta dh. puas! :D

    pot~ haha bkn la fav. tp suke jgkla. ok la sbb sdap an. haha no worries la syg..kt kg i makcik i mmg business ni. ni bli kt dia ni. sdapp~ ;)

  4. haha abg is nii..
    haa guys..zeddin ni my 2nd eldest brother.
    n bru grad degree in mass com ahad aritu. abg congrats! sdeh xdpt tgk..wuu~


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