Why Should I compare to anyone else's blessings when I have my own?
They are the Greatest Memories that I would always cherish, all my life

Tbh This was the proudest moment of my life. My Top Greatest blessing so far; the Best-est gift I could give to my parents. Which I didn't believe I could make it, but I did it!
This was what the money couldn't buy, worth every penny even more than billion or trillion dollars because this was the journey that shaped myself

God always has an amazing way to reveal our True heart, where our passion lies at
Eventhough a different path I'm taking now I believe it's for My Best!
inshaAllah :)

Mama arab request satu gamba. Iolls terharuuu
Oh I know I looked terrible..excuse my bare face pls

Musim panas pernah cecah lebih 40 degrees celcius
Panassss dik, I'm amazed that I went through the climate changes, the hardships that always taught me to always be grateful

@KundasangWarMemorial, Sabah

I'm a free-spirited person
A content creator
An Explorer
Never ending knowledge seeker

Rezeki ada di mana2..

ok dah
Sekarang kita chill2 je kat Malaysia ok :)


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